The Project for the stand cannot be comprehended without the presence of the other. Just like a seesaw does not make sense without another person, without his flesh. On the seesaw, me and the other are the same body.
In the project of the stand I change the balance of the other when I sit on the bench, which moves slowly. Conflict is created in another part; the order is altered, unknowingly.
On the seesaw, unlike a scale, the goal is not the equivalence: the difference, the diversity are the virtue.
Underneath the walls of the stand my eyes find those of the other, the person who is sitting with me on the bench. Seeing her move I see myself, I see my body moving. I also exchange looks with those sitting on the area of tables and chairs along the stand.
From the outside, the eye is in the level of the projections, the stand seems to embrace, shelter me in its interior. From the inside, the open shell and sometimes the projections continuously lead me out of the stand.
Those who pass by can enter involuntarily: there are few boundaries, walls or demarcations, and they are made of light.
The visitor who just reached the enclosure of the UIA Plaza quickly finds the stand. It is the center of a great lounge area to which it belongs: the stand is also a lounge.
The floor of the stand is the same of the surrounding area. The bench, which is made of steel, has two pieces–connected as a single piece– that rotate around a transverse axis. The partitions –which do not prevent the light of the projector from crossing them– are made of alveolar polycarbonate sheet. They are suspended from a modular aluminium structure, rented for the occasion.
The heavy bench moves and the light structure of the partitions does not. When the UIA 2017 SEOUL ends the structure of the partitions remains in South Korea and the bench is transported to a public space in Rio, allowing, as it happened in Seoul, for the user to rest, to look around, to feel the other… in a place of convergence and diversity.
Fernando Delgado, Isabela CanêdoLocation:
COEX Convention and Exhibition Center, Seoul, South KoreaProject start:
36m²Competition organiser:
Honorable mention