2024 IAB-RJ ANNUAL AWARD / 2024.12.13
We received an Honorable Mention at the Instituto dos Arquitetos do Brasil in Rio de Janeiro Annual Awards, in the category “Interior-commercial”, for our project for the ArcelorMittal Headquarters in Rio.
2024 IAB-RJ ANNUAL AWARD / 2024.12.13
We received the Annual Award from Instituto dos Arquitetos do Brasil in Rio de Janeiro, in the category “Objects and furniture design”, for our project Banco Palin.
Our project Lazia Store has been published on ArchDaily Chile.
Our project Lazia Store has been published on ArchDaily Brazil.
Gávea House Construction Site Visit / 2023.02.23
The living room’s jaboticaba trees.
Camino Del Colmenar Apartment Construction Site Visit / 2022.12.30
It has always been there.
Barão Da Torre Apartment Construction Site Visit / 2022.12.19
The only walls to be built.
Visconde Apartment Construction Site Visit / 2022.12.03
Execution of the plinth.
Selecting Marbles For Capuchinos Apartment / 2022.11.30
What we've been looking for, and some more.
Visconde Apartment Construction Site Visit / 2022.10.06
A chat with the contractor.
Jury Member Prêmio TCC CAU-MG 2021 / 2021.11.11
Isabela Canêdo is set to be a jury member of Prêmio TCC 2021, held by CAU-MG in collaboration with the American Institute of Architects International Region.
São Paulo Hospital Extension Site Visit / 2021.08.15
An improvised park.
II TORNEO C-GUIDE / 2021.07.29
We are taking part in the global guide to contemporary architecture C-Guide's II tournament.
Lecture UIA 2021 Rio / 2021.07.23
Our project Estúdio de Gastronomia was selected for the 27th World Congress of Architects (UIA 2021 Rio).
Lazia Store Construction Site Visit / 2021.05.25
The floor.
Lazia Store Construction Site Visit / 2021.05.23
The “new” track lights.
Publication Plataforma Arquitectura / 2021.05.19
Our project Estúdio de Gastronomia has been published on Plataforma Arquitectura (Chile).
Lazia Store Construction Site Visit / 2021.04.30
The sky.
Lazia Store Construction Site Visit / 2021.04.13
The sidewall.
Lazia Store Construction Site Visit / 2021.04.02
The project of the construction site.
Lazia Store Construction Site Visit / 2021.03.22
Rebuilding a brick wall.
Gávea House Construction Site Visit / 2021.03.04
As they've always been.
Lazia Store Construction Site Visit / 2021.02.26
Metalworking workshop, again.
Lazia Store Construction Site Visit / 2021.01.30
An existing roof framing.
Lazia Store Construction Site Visit / 2021.01.04
The backyard.
Gávea House Construction Site Visit / 2020.10.28
LECTURE FAU-UFRJ / 2019.05.02
Lecture for the "Conversas de meio-dia" series, held at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro's Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism.
LECTURE EAM’ / 2019.03.04
Lecture "Patrimonio y proyecto: una intervención" at Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitetura of the Universidad de Málaga, Spain.
2018 IAB-MG ANNUAL AWARD / 2018.12.19
We received the Annual Award from Instituto dos Arquitetos do Brasil in Minas Gerais for our project Estúdio de Gastronomia.
2018 IAB-RJ ANNUAL AWARD / 2018.12.14
We received the Annual Award from Instituto dos Arquitetos do Brasil in Rio de Janeiro for our project Estúdio de Gastronomia.
Our project Estúdio de Gastronomia will be on display at FUNDARTE's Galeria de Artes as part of the I FOREPAC program.
Estúdio De Gastronomia Tour / 2018.06.11
Conversations with students and guided tour of the Estúdio de Gastronomia.
Our project Estúdio de Gastronomia has been published in Projeto magazine #443.
Publication ARCOweb / 2018.04.19
Our project Estúdio de Gastronomia has been published on ARCOweb.
Publication ArchDaily Brazil / 2018.04.17
Our project Estúdio de Gastronomia has been published on ArchDaily Brazil.
Estúdio de Gastronomia Survey / 2017.12.12
Site visit and some observations.
Lecture IED Rio / 2017.10.04
Lecture of the “contemporary practices” series for students of the Master of Interior and Spatial Design program at the Istituto Europeo di Design in Rio de Janeiro.
Estúdio De Gastronomia Construction Site Visit / 2017.08.30
The building of the mezzanine.
Estúdio De Gastronomia Construction Site Visit / 2017.08.14
Metalworking workshop.
Estúdio De Gastronomia Construction Site Visit / 2017.07.07
Expected findings, but not quite.
Estúdio De Gastronomia Construction Site Visit / 2017.05.15
The construction has begun!
Competition: Honorable mention / 2017.05.09
Our proposal for the Rio de Janeiro Stand at the 2017 UIA Congress, in Seoul, received an Honorable Mention in a national competition.
Cosme Velho Rooftop Survey / 2017.02.08
Despite the view.
Exhibition Fundación Madariaga / 2015.11.10
Our design Astronomy Center Red Sand is on display at the II Exposición reThinking Competitions, at Fundación Madariaga, Seville, Spain.
Third Prize / 2015.05.04
Our proposal for the Astronomy Center Red Sand international competition, in the United Kingdom, wins third prize.